Delta Dental of Nebraska

Teledentistry - Frequently Asked Questions for Employers and Members

What is telehealth and teledentistry?

Telehealth is not a specific service; it refers to a broad variety of technologies to deliver virtual health and educational services.

Teledentistry can include oral health patient care and education such as the following:

  • Live video (synchronous); this includes two-way interaction between the patient and the dentist using audiovisual telecommunication technology.

  • Store and forward (asynchronous); examples including transmission of recorded health information (radiographs, photographs, video and digital impressions) through a secure electronic communication system to a dentist who uses the information to evaluate a patient’s condition or render a service outside of a real-time or live interaction.

  • Remote patient monitoring (RPM); personal health and medical data collection from an individual in one location via electronic communication technologies which is transmitted to a provider (sometimes via a data processing service) in a different location for use in care.

  • Mobile health (mHealth); Health care and public health practice and education supported by mobile communication devices such as mobile phones, tablet computers and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA).

What prompts the need for teledentistry?

Teledentistry is an alternative solution to monitoring a patient’s oral health especially when a patient and dentist cannot be in the same physical location.

How long will Delta Dental of Nebraska cover a teledentistry examination under code D0140?

Delta Dental of Nebraska will continue to cover the teledentistry examination under code DO140 in accordance with member’s benefit guideline limits. Please note that this teledentistry procedure coverage applies to individual members and commercial.