- Common Member Questions
- 1. When will I receive my Delta Dental ID card(s)?
- 2. How will my plan cover orthodontia currently in progress?
- 3. How many cleanings per year are allowed under the Kiewit dental plan and are there any timing restrictions?
- 4. What is the difference between the Delta Dental Premier® network and the Delta Dental PPO® network?
- 5. What is an Explanation of Benefits or EOB?
- 6. What is a pre-treatment estimate?
- 7. What happens if I hit my maximum on my plan?
- 8. If I have additional questions that are not covered here, who do I reach out to?
- 9. How do I find an in-network dentist?
- 10. My ID card only has my name, as the Kiewit employee, listed. Is this correct if I have family coverage?
1. When will I receive my Delta Dental ID card (s)?
Kiewit Dental Plan members who are new to the plan at Open enrollment will receive a new id card around mid-December.
2. How will my plan cover orthodontia currently in progress?
Delta Dental’s process is to calculate the Orthodontia treatment based on the remaining active length of treatment. This will not necessarily guarantee that all members will benefit from any additional amount. The benefit calculation is based on where members are at in their current treatment. The total cost of treatment, date banded, number of treatment months are used to determine any additional orthodontia benefits.
3. How many cleanings per year are allowed under the Kiewit dental plan and are there any timing restrictions?
Two oral exams and cleanings are covered per calendar year*. They do not need to be six months apart.
Example: you may go into the dentist in March and July as long as it does not exceed 2 visits in a calendar year.
*The plan covers up to 4 periodontal cleanings per year.
4. What is the difference between the Delta Dental Premier® network and the Delta Dental PPO® network?
Delta Dental Premier® is the largest dental network in the country with more than 157,000 in-network dentists including 115,000 Delta Dental PPO® dentists. Delta Dental PPO® has less in-network dentists but offers a greater discount than a Delta Dental Premier® dentist.
5. What is an Explanation of Benefits or EOB?
- An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) shows exactly how your claim was processed.
- This is not a bill. If you are responsible for any portion of a claim, the dental office will send you a separate bill for that amount.
- Make sure you match up the bill you receive from the dentist with the EOB to ensure you are paying the correct amount.
6. What is a pre-treatment estimate?
A pre-treatment estimate is when the dentist submits a claim to Delta Dental prior to services.
- Delta Dental processes the claim and sends a pre-treatment estimate to the dentist and member ahead of the procedure.
- If you are having any major services done (Ex: crown or root canal) it is strongly recommended you ask your provider to submit a pre-treatment estimate.
Pre-treatment Estimate Brochure
7. What happens if I hit my maximum on my plan?
You will have no more coverage on the plan until the plan resets on January first of the next calendar year.
8. If I have additional questions that are not covered here, who do I reach out to?
Customer service:
Toll Free: 1-866-827-3319
- Monday – Friday: 7 a.m.– 7 p.m. central
9. How do I find an in-network dentist?
Members have the option to search for a new dentist or see if their dentist is in network through the Find a Dentist tool located at DeltaDentalNE.org/Kiewit.
Click on Find a Dentist
- Search by last name or zip code within the search tool.
Search result options include name of dentist, clinic name, address, phone number, hours, proximity of public transit, and many more options.
10. My ID card only has my name, as the Kiewit employee, listed. Is this correct if I have family coverage?
- Yes, this is correct, only the employee name will appear on the Delta Dental ID card.
- When the dental office enters your ID number into the system, it will automatically show who is covered on your plan.
- We send two ID cards to the employee once they enroll in the plan.
If you would like additional card(s), you can request them by calling our Customer Service Team at 1-866-827-3319.