Delta Dental of Minnesota

1. What is my group number?

Your group number, also called a client number, is given to you during the implementation process. This number is on the Client Information Form, benefit summary, and implementation complete email. A group # becomes available once implementation is completed in our system.

A Client ID will be the 6-digit number to set up your Benefit Manager Toolkit (BMT) account.


2. When will our employees receive ID cards?

Once your organization is fully implemented and enrollment is loaded, ID cards are available for members to download via the member portal and mobile app.

If your organization has opted for physical dental ID cards, they will be mailed to the member’s home within ten days. We do not print dependent names on ID cards.


3. Do employees need physical ID cards to receive services?

Physical ID cards are not needed for your dental visit. The dental office will utilize the Delta Dental of Nebraska online system to verify benefits and eligibility. Employees and dependents should let their dental office know they are covered through Delta Dental of Nebraska when making an appointment. You can also direct employees to the member portal or mobile app to access their digital ID cards.

Customer Service is also available at: 1-866-827-3319 (7 a.m. – 7 p.m., M – F)


4. Where are ID cards for my dependents?

Dependent ID cards are not required, as this information is obtained directly from the subscriber ID card. Dependents covered under the subscriber can utilize the subscriber ID card. A separate card is not issued or needed for dependents.


5. Should an employee cancel a dental appointment if they do not have access to the ID card?

If an eligible employee has enrolled for coverage and has not yet received their ID card, do not cancel an appointment; instead, talk to your dentist and let them know all the information your member has available.

  1. Client Number (found in welcome email)
  2. ID numbers are subscriber’s SSNs until they are part of Delta Dental of Nebraska system. At that time, an alternative ID is assigned.

Customer Service 1-800-448-3815 (7 a.m. – 7 p.m., M – F) Provide the ID card to your provider as soon as it is available. If it arrives after a claim has been processed, you or your provider can request the claim to be reprocessed.


6. If an employee still needs to be loaded in our system, should they cancel their appointment?

If an eligible employee has enrolled for coverage and has not received their ID card, do not cancel an appointment. Instead, talk to your dentist and let them know you are covered through Delta Dental of Nebraska.

Customer Service 1-866-827-3319 (7 a.m. – 7 p.m., M – F) Provide the ID card to your provider as soon as it is available. If it arrives after a claim has been processed, you or your provider can request the claim to be reprocessed.


7. When will I receive my first invoice?

When implementation is complete, invoices are generated. If your dental plan is fully insured, your first invoice will generate around the 15th of the month following full implementation. If your dental plan is ASO, you will have two bills, one for administrative services and one for claims. For a complete list of billing dates by month, administration, and claims, please see the billing schedule (link to billing page).


8. When is my first payment due?

If your dental plan is fully insured, payments are due on the 5th of the month following your first invoice. Please see our billing schedule for additional dates based on your funding type.


9. Why does my first invoice combine two months?

If enrollment is not added to our administration system before the invoice release date, the first two month’s charges will be combined on the next invoice.


10. What is an eligibility cutoff date?

Any enrollment changes (adds/cancellations) processed before the “cutoff date” will be reflected on the next invoice release. Any changes after this date will be reflected in the next month’s invoice.

Eligibility cutoff dates are listed on the billing schedule. The new client setup follows the billing schedule.


11. What is a Client Administrator?

A Client Administrator is the designated user of the Benefit Manager Toolkit for your organization. They can add new enrollment, cancel enrollment, view invoices, view subscriber listings, and delegate additional access to desired users within your organization as necessary.


12. Who receives the information from Delta Dental regarding billing?

Once bills are generated, an email is sent to your organization’s billing contact(s).


13. When I cancel enrollment, will I still be billed for the entire month?

Yes. Generally, employees and dependents are covered until the last day of the month of the cancellation.

Please note: our system operates on the first day without coverage, so when canceling coverage, choose the first day without coverage.

For example, an employee loses coverage on Jan. 1, so coverage ends on Jan. 31, making Feb. 1 the first day without coverage.


14. How do I add new enrollment or terminate existing?

Adding or terminating enrollment is recommended directly via the Benefit Manager Toolkit. Processing occurs in real-time. Please see our quick guides on how to perform these functions within BMT.

If your organization is set up to send electronic files, please note that your electronic file will overwrite any changes in BMT.


15. How do employees confirm if a provider is in the network?

Our Find a Dentist tool is available to find new providers or search existing providers. We also encourage our members to verify with their dentist.


16. How do I update/change my payment method?

Log in to the Benefit Manager Toolkit (BMT) and click on the banking tab and then Recurring ACH Setup to change/update your ACH Information. Please fill out the form and submit it. ACH forms are also located here.
